Prediction: About two weeks from now, an employee at your company is going to call on human resources, or their manager, or the business owner, or you, and ask this question:
"How come I'm getting paid less, they passed the fiscal cliff thing...?"
I'm being facetious of course, but the newly passed 'fiscal cliff bill' has been highlighted as keeping a tax increase from hitting 98% of Americans.
...And that is true in regards to federal income taxes, but what was interestingly (and likely intentionally) left out of the President's late night speech on Jan. 1 was the sunset of the social security payroll tax holiday.
As a result of that sunset, the employee portion of the social security payroll tax will increase in 2013 from 4.2% to 6.2%. Click here for the new IRS Guidance.
A 2% increase for a family earning $50,000 means $1,000 less in take home this year. A family earning $100,000 takes home $2,000 less this year. There is a cap on the tax at $113,700.
Unfortunately today, very few working employees truly understand the taxes and calculations that impact their paycheck. Business owners, managers, and hr directors are likely to have to deal with a number of questions around this fact over the next number of weeks.